This year was our Meatball Christmas! It was complete with baked pasta, eggplant parmesan (pictured above), Gram's famous sauce, fresh sausage with peppers and salad that makes you melt. Since there were so many recipes to choose from and I am far from perfecting Gram's sauce (although I try regularly!) I thought I'd use this post to talk about salad. Wait, don't go check your email yet! I promise this "recipe" will deliver.
OK, glad you stayed with me (mom).
Salad...for many people this simple dish wouldn't begin a dialogue (or a monologue in this instance), but for our family it's a daily staple that is loved by many. My sisters and I are frequently asked to bring the salad when attending dinner parties and it's all my mother's fault. ;)
Mom taught us the key to a great salad is using fresh ingredients (of course!) and salt. I know, it sounds strange, but if you are not using salt and pepper in your salad today - I woulld start tomorrow. It turns on the flavors of the lettuces and veggies and brightens the sweet flavors you add.
My Grandma made our daily salad extrordinary for holidays by adding stinky cheese (like provolone or stinkier), olives and pepperoni.
So here is a loose interpretation of our family salad "recipe":
Lettuces = a mixture of whatever floats your boat (we use a TON of romane, and add spinach and arugla)
Veggies = tomatoes are a must, onion, and then whatever stray veggies you have in your fridge (my faves are brocolli, carrots, and snow peas)
Fruit = my mom regulary added apples (probably those apples that rolled around my dad's lunch box day after day...he favors donuts over apples). I also like grapes, strawberries or any dried fruit on hand.
Nuts = pecans, walnuts, whatever
Salt & Pepper = sprinkle liberally and give it a little toss before you dress for success
Ok, if you are still reading you deserve a prize...and so I present the piece de resistance...

You make it fresh, you make it best...
Mangia ~ Lora