What?! That's right, no flour. Scott and Abel tried this at a friend's party recently and told me about it. It sounded too interesting and good not to try! She sent us the link to the recipe and we gave it a whirl.
This is a great gluten free recipe and definitely worth it for people who are looking for a pizza dough substitute or as a way to get more vegetables on your plate. We made a white pizza variety and a run o the mill pizza. My one piece of advice is to let it cool very well before slicing and the texture will be great.
So try the crust recipe above and top with whatever you like. For the white pizza I brushed olive oil over the pre-baked crust added diced garlic and onion, parmesan, sliced tomatoes, artichoke hearts, capers, and mozzarella.... yummmm. The other one had red sauce, bacon, tomato, and mozzarella. Abel was our taste tester and diplomatically declared a tie. :)